Non-formal education ( NFE ) is an extremely wide field, ranging from adult literacy and basic education for out-of-school children to life skills, work skills, gender equity and community development. The programmes are provided by a wide range of organisations and employ a variety of methods ranging from face-to-face to open and distance learning (ODL) and applications of information and communications technology (ICT). For these pro- grammes to receive the funding, support and high reputation that they deserve, they need to be able to evidence the benefits they bring to individuals, communities and economies. This requires well-designed and well-managed quality assurance ( QA ). This article explains to NFE policy makers, planners, programme managers, in-field staff and others involved in this sector why and how to operate a results-based QA system. QA systems applied in educational con- texts are generally concerned with inputs - how much money and what staffing, resources and support are provided, what kinds of teaching and learning are involved, and so on. There is an assumption - which is not always fulfilled - that the higher the quality of the inputs, the higher the quality of the outputs. In this article, a different approach is proposed : a rigorous but simple-to-use QA framework for evaluating the outcomes, outputs and impacts.
Open Education Research
quality assurance
open and distance learning
non-format education