
“后MOOC”时期的在线学习新样式 被引量:303

New Trends of Online Learning in the “Post-MOOC Era”
摘要 近两年,伴随着大规模在线公开课MOOCs的快速发展,在线学习出现了一些新样式,如SPOC、MOOL、DOCC、MOOR等,成为MOOCs家族谱系中的重要组成部分,有学者因此提出目前已进入"后MOOC"时期。本文首先阐述了什么是"后MOOC"时期,然后分析了比较有代表性的几种在线学习新样式,最后从问题视角、教育假设、教育理念、学习范式等方面对这些新样式进行了对比分析,提出了关于MOOCs的发展展望。 In June of 2013, professor Keith Devlin from Stanford University, after his second running of MOOC--Introduction to Mathematical Thinking, published a blog post titled "The MOOC will soon die. Long live the MOOR" on http ://mooctalk. org/2013/06/. This post triggered many new thoughts about MOOCs. In fact, with the rapid development of the MOOCs, some new terms are constantly emerging, such as SPOC - Small, Private Online Courses., DLMOOC - Deep Learning MOOC ; MOOL - Massive Open Online Labs ; MobiMOOC -Mobile MOOC ; DOCC - Distributed Open Collaborative Course; PMOOC - Personalized MOOC ; MOOR - Massive Open Online Research, etc. These terms represent different online teaching models, broaden the application scope of online education, have formed form new trends in online teaching and learning. That is why some experts announce that we have moved into the "post-MOOC era". Malcom Brown, Director of the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative since 2009, proposes that the indicators show that we are already in "post-MOOC era". Robert Lue from Harvard University said, MOOC represents just the initial form of online education, and now many changes have taken place, we have been in the "post MOOC" era.
出处 《开放教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期36-43,共8页 Open Education Research
基金 上海市教委课题"开放大学与大学开放联动机制研究"
关键词 MOOCs 后MOOCs时期 协作授课 协作探究 自主学习 MOOCs post-MOOC era MOOR
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