
如何提升MOOCs的学生参与度与学习效果——来自BOOC的经验 被引量:53

How to Improve the Students' Participation and Performance in MOOCs: Lessons from BOOC
摘要 近两年,MOOCs热潮成为国内外高等教育关注的焦点。MOOCs在获得鲜花和掌声的同时,也深受质疑。其中较为显著的问题包括缺乏交互、学生支持较少、辍学率偏高、教与学方式守旧、学生评价有待改进等。如何提升MOOCs的学生参与度,促进学生在开放环境中有效学习,以及在开放环境中开展学生评价,成为国内外研究的热点。针对这三大问题,美国印第安纳大学的丹尼尔·希基及其团队通过理论探索与实证研究,构建了一种注重学生参与、学习和评价,且学生规模小于MOOCs的开放在线课程———"布课"。本文结合BOOC案例课程的学习分析,对BOOC的有效策略进行了梳理与归纳,最后提出了知识情境化学习策略、参与度提升策略与学习评价策略三类共计十二种开放网络课程教学策略,以期为开放在线课程设计与教学策略研究提供有益参考。 In recent years, MOOCs ( Massive Open Online Courses ) has been at the center of discussions. MOOC provides us with many free high-quality courses from famous universities, thus attracts large numbers of learners around the world. Nonetheless, MOOC's shortcomings such as lack of interaction and support for students result in high dropout rates of students, out-of-date teaching and learning method, and over simplified learning assessment methods. Currently, many of the MOOCs provide thousands of participants with static content. How to promote the interaction among the students and intructor and facilitate learning assessment in an open context become a critical issue. In order to solve these problems, Daniel Hickey and his team from Indiana University Bloomington has proposed BOOC ( Big Open Online Course ) , which focuses on promoting participation and assessment.
出处 《开放教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期63-70,共8页 Open Education Research
关键词 BOOC 开放在线课程 参与度 评价 知识情景化 BOOC open online course participation assessment., situativity
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