
圣经与现代以色列民族国家的构建 被引量:7

The Bible and the Building of Modern Israeli Nation-State
摘要 古代希伯来经典圣经在现代以色列民族国家的构建过程中起到了不可忽视的作用。在18世纪犹太启蒙运动中,欧洲犹太思想家把圣经经典从宗教引入世俗,并与振兴犹太民族文化传统的理念联系起来,在犹太人与巴勒斯坦土地之间建立一种联系。19世纪犹太复国主义运动兴起后,圣经逐渐被世俗化和政治化,教育家和犹太复国主义者运用圣经在土地与人、历史与现在之间建立一种合法性的联系。以色列建国初期,以本-古里安为首的政治领袖开始强调圣经在国家政治与国民教育中的重要性,圣经成为塑造新型民族身份和国家意识形态的工具。"六日战争"后,圣经的历史与世俗意义逐渐削减。新世纪以来,由以色列考古学家引发的关于圣经史实确定性问题的争议使圣经再度成为学界与公共对话中的一个焦点。 Hebrew Bible played a significant role in the process of the building of modern Israeli nation - state. Starting from the Haskala movement ( or Jewish Enlightenment) in the 18th century, the European Jewish thinkers changed the status of the Bible from a Holy book to a profane or worldly document. This changing status of the Bible helped to make the link between European Jewry and the revival of Jewish cultural tradition, and even between the Jewish people and Palestine. After the rise the Zionist movement in the 19th century, the Bible was gradually more secularized and politicalized by some nationalist and Zionist educators who tried to create a legitimized relationship between past and present, between people and land. In the formative years of Israeli statehood when David Ben - Gurion and other political leaders began to stress the importance of the Bible in the state politics and national education. After the Six - Day War, the historical and profane meaning of the Bible was gradually lessened. Since the turn of the new century, the Bible has brought a new attention both in the intellectual circles and in public dialogue following the controversies of the facts of the Bible aroused by archeologists.
作者 钟志清
出处 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期98-113,共16页 West Asia and Africa
基金 中国社会科学院创新工程项目"希伯来圣经学术史研究"的阶段性成果
关键词 圣经 犹太复国主义 以色列 民族国家构建 The Bible Zionism Israel Nation - State Building
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  • 1Yacov Shavit, The Hebrew Bible Reborn : From Holy Scripture to the Book of Books, trans. , Chaya Naor, Berlin: Walter De Gruyter, 2007, p. 1.
  • 2Anita Shapira, "Ben - Gurion and the Bible : The Forging of an Historical Narrative", Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 33, No. 4, 1997, p. 647.
  • 3Anita Shapira, "The Bible and Israeli Identity", AJS Review, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2004.
  • 4Yacov Shavit, op. cit.
  • 5Alan T. Levensan, The Making of the Modern Jewish Bible, Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, INC. , 2011.
  • 6Nur Masalha, The Bible& Zionism, London and New York: Zed Books, 2007. () Nut Masalha, The Zionist Bible, Durham: ACUMEN, 2013.
  • 7Yacov Shavit, op. cit. , pp. 1 -2.
  • 8Alan T. Levenson, op. cit. , pp. 42 - 43.
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  • 10Yacov Shavit, op. cit. , p. 36.


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