
非典型的下延型发生路线——中国现代各级学校系统形成中的三次反复 被引量:3

An Atypical Top-down Pattern: Three Recurrences in the Establishment of an Integral System of Modern Schools in China
摘要 现代各级学校系统一般循着两条路线发生,即从较高等级学校向较低等级学校逐级向下延伸而形成的系统,称为"下延型学校系统"(如先行的西欧国家);从较低等级学校向较高等级学校逐级向上延伸而形成的系统,称为"上伸型学校系统"(如后起的美国)。中国现代各级学校系统的发生路线既非"下延型",也非"上伸型",而是一种非典型的下延型,即先建立大学,继之以小学,而中学殿后,这样的过程在清末民初、20世纪五六十年代、八九十年代先后三次重复发生,直至第三次才建成现代各级学校系统。它始于1862年京师同文馆开办,迄于20世纪末,历时140年。 As a rule,the establishment of the integral system of modern schools follows two routes: the top-down and the bottom-up ones. The top-down pattern means that the higher education system is established prior to that of secondary schools,which in return,is set up before the primary school system,as is exemplified by the practice of European countries. Meanwhile,the bottom-up pattern is in a reverse order of the top-down one,which is illustrated by the pattern of the United States. However, the establishment of Chinese modern school system follows neither the top-down pattern nor the bottomup one,but belongs to an atypical top-down one,which means that the school system of higher education is established in advance of the primary one and the latter in priority to that of the secondary school. The process of establishing Chinese modern integral school system in this way lasted for about one hundred and forty years,that is,from the foundation of the Imperial Tung Wen College to the end of the twentieth century,during which the atypical top-down pattern recurred three times: the first was between the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republican Period,the second in the 1950s and 60s and the last one in the 1980s and 90s,and the integral system of Chinese modern school was not completely established until the last recurrence in the late 20th century.
作者 杜成宪
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期92-100,共9页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 现代各级学校系统 下延型 上伸型 非典型的下延型 中国教育现代化 integral system of modern school top-down pattern bottom-up pattern atypical top-down pattern modernization of Chinese education
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