
丹参酮ⅡA磺酸钠治疗火器伤致豚鼠急性肺损伤与细胞因子调节作用的研究 被引量:1

Investigation of research of treatment for sulfortanshinone sodium injection in guinea pigs with acute lung injury induced by firearm injury and cell factors adjusting function
摘要 目的用不同浓度丹参酮ⅡA磺酸钠(STS)注射液对火器伤诱导豚鼠急性肺损伤(ALI)与细胞因子调节作用的研究,探讨STS对ALI保护作用。方法 60只豚鼠随机分为6组:正常对照组(N)、模型组(A)、生理盐水对照组(P)、低剂量STS治疗组(L)、中剂量STS治疗组(M)、高剂量STS治疗组(H),每组10只。通过高温气体给A、P、L、M、H组豚鼠吸入,制作完成豚鼠ALI动物模型;造模30min后,再把不同剂量STS分别注射L、M、H组豚鼠腹腔内进行药物干预,P组注射生理盐水作为阳性对照组;观察12h后,记录致豚鼠ALI时的动脉血气分析、血清肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、核因子-κB(NF-κB)、白细胞介素-8(IL-8)含量;处死豚鼠取肺组织,测定肺组织湿/干比值(W/D),在光镜下对肺组织进行病理学检查,并及时记录其病理变化的情况。结果病理学检查:实验第12小时对照组豚鼠肺泡结构清晰,肺泡壁薄,肺泡内未见水肿液;损伤组第12小时无法分辨肺泡结构,肺内大量炎性细胞浸润伴出血、水肿、透明膜形成;丹参酮ⅡA组实验第12小时肺泡结构仍存在,但肺泡间隔增厚,中性粒细胞浸润明显减轻,肺泡腔内见少量渗液。实验第12小时L、M、H组血清TNF-α、IL-8和NF-κB水平明显低于模型组A组(P<0.01),丹参酮组L、M、H组豚鼠第12小时动脉血氧分压、血氧饱和度明显高于A组(P<0.01);L、M、H三组两两比较,M与H组豚鼠实验第12小时血清TNF-α、IL-8、NF-κB水平、动脉血氧分压及血氧饱和度未见统计学差异(P>0.05),但均较L组有显著差异(P<0.01)。结论 STS注射液对火器伤诱导豚鼠ALI具有明显保护作用,其中STS中剂量保护作用最明显,值得在ALI中推广应用。 Objective To observe the effect of sulfortanshinone sodium injection(STs)on acute lung injury,we injected different concentrations of STS to guinea pigs with acute lung injury induced by firearm wound.Methods Firstly,60 guinea pigs were randomized to six groups:normal control group (N),acute lung injury model group(A),physiological saline injection in control group(P),and low dose of STS treatment group(L),middle dose of STS treatment group(M),high dose of STS treatment group(H).Then,we treated A,P,L,M,H groups with hightemperature gas to cause acute lung injury.After half an hour,we injected different doses of STS to L,M,H groups through abdominal injection for treatment of 12 hours.The P group treated with normal saline was used as negative control.Futhermore,we detected the arterial blood gas,TNF-α,IL-8,NF-κB through ELISA and observed pathological changes in the lung tissues by optical microscope.Results The pathology inspection,the guinea pigs of comparison group structure of pulmonary alveolus was clear,the pulmonary alveolus wall was thin,the pulmonary alveolus had not seen fluid after 12 hours;The guinea pigs of injury group was unable to debate the pulmonary alveolus structure,in the lung the massive phlogocytes infiltrate with part bleeding,the dropsy,the transparent membrane formated; The guinea pigs of the sulfortanshione sodium injection group,the structure of pulmonary alveolus still existed,but the pulmonary alveolus gap accumulated,the neutral granular cell infiltration obviously reduced,the pulmonary alveolus cavity saw few exudation.The L,M,H group guinea pig was tested the 12nd hour blood serum TNF-α,IL-8 and NF-κB level was obviously lower than the injury group (P < 0.01) ; and the L,M,H group oxygen partial pressure in arteries blood was obviously higher than the A group (P < 0.01).L,M,H three comparison between two groups,M and H group guinea pig was tested after 12 hours,blood serum TNF-α,IL-8,NF-κB level and oxyhemoglobin saturation had no difference (P > 0.05),but had obvious difference with L group.Conclusions The data indicated that the middle dose of sulfortanshinone sodium injection is useful to protect guinea pigs with ALI from firearm
出处 《中华临床医师杂志(电子版)》 CAS 2013年第6期150-153,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition)
关键词 呼吸窘迫综合征 成人 丹参酮ⅡA磺酸钠 NF-κB 肿瘤坏死因子Α 白细胞介素8 Respiratory distress syndrome, adult Sulfortanshinone sodium injection NF-kappa B Tumor necrosis factor-alpha Interleukin-8
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