

The Academic Values and Characteristics of Yi Li Zhe Zhong Mu Ke
摘要 通过对《医理折衷目科》作者寰宇赘人与成书背景、特别是全书学术价值和学术渊源的研究,认为此书眼科理论、辨证方法、病症、方剂、药物、医案皆备,特别是眼科方剂内容最为丰富,达150余首,兼有自订方31首,在以五脏为核心的眼科理论,自订方的组方配伍等方面有较多创新,不失为一部内容编排精当,具有较高实用价值特点的眼科古籍文献. According to the study of author and writing background, especially for the academic value and origin, it was found that this book contains ophthalmic theory of TCM, methods of pattern indentification, disease and symptom, herbal formulas, Chinese herbs and medical records. Particularly, herbal formulas of ophthalmology are most plentiful in the book. It contains more than 150 herbal formulas as well as 31self-made herbal formulas. It has a lot of advantages in not only self-made herbal formulas but also ophthalmic theory with five Zang organs for central. Above all, it shows that this antiquarian book has been arranged the content meticulously and has great practical value.
作者 和中浚
出处 《中医眼耳鼻喉杂志》 2011年第2期61-63,共3页 Journal of Chinese Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology
关键词 医理折衷目科 中医眼科 学术价值 方剂 Yi Li Zhe Zhong Mu Ke traditional Chinese ophthalmology academic values herbal formulas
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