Objective Observation of eight methods of intelligent turtle on points with eye acupuncture treatment of difficult diseases in Department of ophthalmology clinical curative effect. Methods outpatients diagnosed by traditional Chinese medicine, western medicine and standard treatment, the curative effect is poorer case, such as:obstruction of the central retinal artery, obstruction of the central retinal vein, optic atrophy and other difficult cases to a total of 11 patients in Department of ophthalmology. In the original treatment combined with eight methods of intelligent turtle on points with ocular acupuncture therapy,and the use of auto control comparison before and after treatment. Results 11 cases of difficult patients in the Department of Ophthalmology, better 100%, not 0%, the total efficiency of 100 %. Conclusion the eight methods of intelligent turtle on points with eye acupuncture treatment of Department of Ophthalmology difficult disease curative effect.
Journal of Chinese Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology
Complicated eye disease
Eight methods of intelligent turtle
Twelve regular channels