

Brief Analysis of "Kidney Govern Ear" theory in TCM through aquaporins research
摘要 “肾主耳”理论是中医理论中的重要内容,对耳病的辨证论治有深刻的指导意义,利用现代的技术手段研究肾与耳的关系对丰富及验证“肾主耳”理论并指导中西医临床有着重要的意义。近年来关于同时表达于肾与耳的水通道蛋白的研究也不断的深入,这为研究“肾主耳”理论及耳病的诊断治疗提供了新的方向,现将水通道蛋白在肾与耳方面的研究进展综述如下。 The theory of "kidney govern ear" is an important part of TCM theory and a great guide for treatment based on syndrome differentiation of ear disease. The research in the relationship between kidney and ear through modern technology means has important significance in enriching and verifying the theory of the association of the kidney with the ears, as well as guiding Traditional Chinese and Western clinical Medicine. In recent years, with the in-depth researches of Aquaporins expressed in the kidney and ear, it provides a new direction for the research of theory of the association of the kidney with the ears and diagnosis and treatment of ear disease. This study aims to summarize the progresses in the researches of Aquaporins expressed in the kidney and ear.
出处 《中医眼耳鼻喉杂志》 2012年第4期236-239,共4页 Journal of Chinese Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology
基金 国家自然科学基金(项目编号:81160449)
关键词 水通道蛋白 Aquaporins Kidney Ear
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