
音乐考古学:方法和理论的思考 被引量:2

Music Archaeology: Some Methodological and Theoretical Considerations
摘要 作者对音乐考古学的发展历史做了简要的回顾,讨论了音乐考古学的英文名称,探讨了音乐考古学研究的方法论架构,给出了音乐考古学研究的一般范式,并对音乐考古学与民族音乐学、民族考古学和实验考古学的关系进行了分析,探索了音乐考古学借鉴其他学科理论和方法的可能性。 This paper has a brief review on the history of Music Archaeology, and has a diseussion on the English name of the Music Archaeology. Also, this paper examines the methodological framework of music archaeology, and offers to a general model for music archaeological research. The author analyzes some issues regarding the interdisciplinary relationship between music archaeology and other disciplines including ethnomusicology, ethnoarchaeology, and experimental archaeology. Finally, the author explores the possibility for music archaeology to borrow the theories and methods from other disciplines.
出处 《黄钟(武汉音乐学院学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期192-200,共9页 Huangzhong:Journal of Wuhan Conservatory of Music
关键词 音乐考古学 理论 方法 范式 Music Archaeology Theory Methodology model
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