

The Conflict between Personal Ideal and Social Reality
摘要 约翰·厄普代克在《兔子,跑吧》中描写了四个意象:网、逃离、体育、性爱。网是对"兔子"的生活困境的展示;逃离是"兔子"对个人理想展开的追求;体育和性爱是"兔子"难以实现个人理想,到处碰壁之后企图摆脱社会现实的途径。通过对这些意象的描绘,作家成功地揭示了美国文学的传统主题,即个人理想和社会现实之间的冲突。 The images net, escape, sports and sex are depicted in John Updike' s Rabbit Run. Net is the description of the living condition around Rabbit. Rabbit pursuits his personal ideal through escape, and escapes reality through sports and sex. Through the description of the main images, John Updike shows his subtle examination on the traditional theme-the conflict between the personal ideal and social reality successfully.
作者 王威威
出处 《佳木斯大学社会科学学报》 2014年第3期106-108,共3页 Journal of Social Science of Jiamusi University
基金 2013年度黑龙江省哲学社会科学研究规划项目:"约翰.厄普代克<兔子四部曲>‘兔子’的困境"(13E069)
关键词 约翰·厄普代克 《兔子 跑吧》 逃离 体育和性爱 John Updike Rabbit Run net escape sports and sex
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