

On the Formation of American Monetary Constitution
摘要 联邦货币宪法的形成是一个循序渐进的过程,先后经历了殖民地时期、邦联时期和联邦时期三个阶段,并最终以1787年《美国联邦宪法》的正式生效宣告美国货币宪法的正式形成。殖民地时期"货币权力"意识的觉醒是货币条款入宪的起点。邦联时期货币权力的失败配置直接促进了货币权力配置模式的转变。随着联邦宪法的生效,遵循三权分立原则和联邦制模式的货币权力分配模式最终在美国得以确立。美国货币宪法赋予国会有权行使货币权力及其相关权力,并采取了严格限制州的货币权力的方式,来保证联邦政府对货币权力享有绝对的控制力。从历史发展的角度来看,美国货币宪法的形成不是一蹴而就的设计,而是发源于不断的实践和尝试。从货币权力的配置方式来看,美国货币宪法的形成过程是货币权力从分散到集中的过程,奠定了美国货币宪政的运行基础。 The formation of federal money constitution, a gradual process, has experienced three stages, the colonial period, the Confederation period, federal period, and final foundation marked by official announcement of American Federal Constitution in 1787. In the colonial period, the awakening of " monetary power" awareness means the start of monetary clause's entry into Constitution. In the confederation period, failed allocation of monetary power promoted the convert of allocation mode. After the Federal Constitution went into effect, it was established the distribution of monetary power that followed the separation of three power and fed- eral mode. American monetary constitution grants the Congress with the power of money and related authority, and conducted a strict restriction over monetary power of each state to ensure the absolute authority held by the federal government. In the view of historical progress, the U. S. constitution of money was not formed at once, but evolved in continuous practice and attempts. In the allocation of monetary power, the formation of its mo- netary constitution showed a process of scattered to centralized power, which laid the foundation for its monetary constitution.
作者 王泽群
出处 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期83-87,共5页 Academic Exchange
基金 上海财经大学博士研究生科研创新基金资助项目"美国货币宪政史研究"(CXJJ-2011-358)
关键词 美国货币 货币权力 货币宪法 the U. S. money monetary power monetary constitution
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