
区域治理如何成为可能:以欧盟聚合政策(2007—2013年)评价为例 被引量:3

How Regional Governance Comes to Be Possible:Evidence from the Policy Evaluation of the EU Cohesion Policy 2007-2013
摘要 作为一种社会范式的变迁,区域治理之所以能够成为可能,除了超国家、次国家、非政府组织乃至个体等治理层级的责任的嵌入之外,政府组织的角色仍然不可替代,特别是演进的公共政策仍然发挥着不可或缺的权能承接、关系协调和功能转化的作用。相应地,以政策评价的多方参与和综合审视来确保治理的有效性,也提供了一种治理"落地"的显著证据。欧盟作为一个区域治理的典范,其区域协调发展政策进程的实践业已逐步超越了单纯的结构关切,迈向一种新的以兼具内生性、整体性和综合性为特色的区域发展聚合;而聚合政策评价的评鉴、导向和建构功能也由此促成了欧盟区域协调发展治理的实现。 In the process of materializing regional governance as a sort of societal paradigm transformation, governmental organizations still play an irreplaceable role while the other actors (including supranational, local, nongovemmental and individual entities) get involved with diversified responsibilities. In particular, the evolving public policy performs indispensable works of competence gearing, coordination and functional conversion. For this reason, achieving the effectiveness of governance by means of multi - actor engagements ancl overall ex- amination also offer the powerful evidence for materializing governance. As a well - accepted model of regional governance, the EU regional development process has progressed toward an endogenous, integral and compre- hensive regional " cohesion" instead of a simple " structural" concern. Consequently, the cohesion policy evaluation's significance of appraisal, guidance and construction has also greatly helped bring about the EU's coordinated regional development with governance approach.
作者 喻锋 孙卓炘
出处 《经济社会体制比较》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期110-120,共11页 Comparative Economic & Social Systems
基金 广东省哲学社会科学"十二五"规划青年项目(项目编号:GD11YZZ032011) 广东省教育厅高校优秀青年创新人才培养计划(育苗工程)项目(项目编号:wym11016) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金(项目编号:20BXZD03)
关键词 区域治理 区域协调发展 欧盟 聚合政策 Regional Governance Coordinated Regional Development EU Cohesion Policy
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