
两种脱细胞真皮基质材料在兔颅骨缺损引导骨再生术中的成骨效果评估 被引量:6

Osteogenetic effects of two acellular dermal matrix materials on GBR of rabbit skull defect
摘要 目的:验证两种不同来源的ADM(脱细胞真皮基质)材料作为屏障膜引导骨再生(Guided Bone Regeneration,GBR)的效果。方法:取新西兰大白兔20只,分别在其颅顶矢状缝左右各建立一个直径8 mm的骨缺损区;然后按观察时间随机分为8周、12周两大组,每一大组各随机分为5个亚组(n=4);A组缺损中植入HA-TCP(羟基磷灰石-磷酸钙双相复合骨替代材料)+P-ADM膜(猪脱细胞真皮基质),B组植入HA-TCP+B-ADM膜(牛脱细胞真皮基质),C组植入HA-TCP+胶原膜(Bio-gide胶原膜),D组只植入HA-TCP,E组不放置任何材料。分别于术后8、12周处死相应组大白兔,切取骨缺损区标本并制作组织切片,采用HE染色和马松(Masson)染色法定量分析各组骨缺损区骨组织再生的情况。结果:P-ADM、B-ADM在GBR技术中均能发挥屏障膜作用,引导和促进兔颅骨组织再生,其中B组与C组相比,在8周和12周时的成骨效果均无显著性差异(P>0.05);而A组在8周和12周时的成骨效果均显著低于B、C两组(P<0.05),但明显高于D、E两组(P<0.05)。结论:猪、牛两种来源的ADM材料在GBR技术中均能发挥屏障膜作用,并能引导骨缺损区的骨组织再生。 AIM : To compare the effects of two acellular dermal matrix (ADM) materials on the repair of the rabbit skull defects. METHODS: A cycloid skull defect with the diameter of 8mm was made on both sides of the sagittal suture of 20 rabbits. The rabbits were randomly divided into 5 groups. The skull defects were treated with implantation of hydroxyapatite-tricalcium phosphate (HA-TCP) + porcine ADM ( P-ADM ), HA-TCP + bovine ADM (B-ADM, Haoao Biofilm ), HA-TCP + Bio-gide collagen membrane, HA-TCP and wihtout implantation (control) respectively. After 8 and 12 weeks, 10 rabbits were sacrificed respectively and the bone samples were were examined by HE staining and Masson staining. RESULTS: Both P-ADM and B-ADM could play a role as barrier membrane in guiding and promoting osteogenesis in rabbit skull defects. There was no significant difference between B-ADM and Bio -gide collagen membrane in promoting osteogenesis at 8 and 12 weeks after treatment( P 〉 0.05 ). P-ADM implantation produced less osteogenesis than B-ADM and Bio-gide at 8 and 12 weeks after treatment(P 〈 0. 05 ), but more than HA-TCP and control(P 〈 0. 05 ). CONCLUSION: Both P-ADM and B-ADM can promote osteogenesis in bone defect.
出处 《牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第5期274-277,共4页 Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry
基金 江苏省卫生科技计划项目(H201231) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(2011-137)
关键词 引导性骨组织再生 脱细胞真皮基质 兔颅骨缺损模型 guided bone regeneration acellular dermal matrix rabbit skull defect models
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