
尼古丁依赖的多巴胺系统相关基因多态性研究进展 被引量:1

Advance in studies on dopamine system related genetic polymorphisms associated with nicotine dependence
摘要 尼古丁是引起吸烟成瘾的主要成分。现在的观点一致认为尼古丁依赖具有遗传性,许多研究都致力于探讨具体基因多态性对于尼古丁依赖的影响。多巴胺释放被认为是造成尼古丁依赖的最主要通道,本文主要对与尼古丁依赖的多巴胺系统相关基因的多态性研究进展进行综述。 Nicotine is the main component for smoking addiction. It is widely believed that nicotine dependence is heritable. Many studies are committed to study the effects of specific gene polymorphisms connect with nicotine dependence. Release of dopamine has been considered the most important channel for nicotine dependence. This paper provides a review for recent advance in studies on dopamine system related genetic polymorphisms associated with nicotine dependence.
出处 《中华医学遗传学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期334-337,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(81171310) 浙江省科技计划项目(2011C23094)
关键词 尼古丁依赖 多巴胺系统 遗传多态性 Nicotine dependence Dopamine system Genetic polymorphism
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