

Analysis of Dynamic Pricing of Commodities for Online Shop under the Time Value of Money
摘要 在资金时间价值影响背景下,以仅有网店渠道的销售商为研究对象,为在期末能将产品销售完毕并最大化其收益,在假设顾客所订商品由卖家免费配送,并且顾客在收到产品之前可以取消订单的前提下,通过建模给出了销售商期初的最优订货量、期内价格调整的最佳次数及每阶段的最优价格的动态定价求解算法。最后的算例分析表明模型和算法是有效的,且动态定价相对于静态定价能带来更大的收益。 Under the context of the time value, a retailer only with the online shop was researched as the object. Thus, in order to sell out all products at the end of the sell time and maximize the revenue, assuming the customer can cancel their orders prior to the receipt of the product and the delivery is free. The seller's optimal order quantity and the dynamic pricing strategy were given through a mathematical model. Finally, Numerical example shows the effectiveness of the model and the algorithm,and the superiority of dynamic pricing strategy compared with the static strategy.
出处 《价值工程》 2014年第19期1-3,共3页 Value Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(71131003) 国家社会科学基金青年项目(12CGL041)
关键词 供应链管理 动态定价 订货策略 资金时间价值 supply chain management dynamic pricing order policy time value of money
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