
弘历皇子时期书法学习经历考 被引量:9

The Calligraphy Learning Experience of Prince Hongli
摘要 故宫博物院收藏有比较完整的乾隆皇帝在皇子时期的书法习作,当时称为"仿",这些习作不仅记录了从康熙六十一年冬到雍正十三年八月期间,弘历每天临摹字帖的情况,而且还保留了大量的授课老师的硃笔批阅。本文在对这些"仿"作进行整理与分期的基础上,对弘历的书法启蒙、父祖影响、选帖安排、纸张使用、老师指导以及个人喜好等几个方面再行考证和研究,以期还原一个相对真实而完整的清代皇子书法学习的情境,从而为更准确地评价弘历的书法艺术提供一些详实的资料和一个全新的角度。本文的主要结论有:第一,书法学习是清代皇子教育中重要的组成,是每天课业的第一部分。第二,弘历的系统书法教育始于雍正元年,主要学习方法是临摹楷书,期间经历了以摹写颜真卿《多宝塔碑》打基础,以摹写唐诗、《千字文》等学习大楷,以摹写王羲之《乐毅论》学习小楷,以摹写《瑞麦赋》重新学大楷四个阶段。第三,弘历的书法学习与家庭前辈的喜好、老师的指教暨字帖选择和字体练习次序密切相关。最后,雍正皇帝的突然去世,打乱了弘历书法学习的进程,对其书法的进步造成负面影响,使得他的风格水平过早定型,难有更高的艺术成就。 There is a complete collection of the exercise works in handwriting by Prince Hongli in the Palace Museum, which was called 'imitation writing' in history. These works with the red-inked comments by his tutors present how Prince Hongli practiced writing from the copybooks of calligraphy from the winter of year 61 of Kangxi to Auguest, year 13 of Yongzheng's regime. The analysis of the enlightenment of Prince Hongli's learning to write, his older generations' influence on him, selection of copybooks, papers and tutor's instruction for him as well as his own interest by sorting out and periodizing these works in this thesis expects to revive his calligraphy learning experience, to make appropriate comment on his attainment in calligraphy from a different angle. Based on what is above, it concludes that it was a requirement that the Princes learn handwriting in the Qing dynasty. They did daily exercises. The second, Prince Hongli's journey to calligrapher covers 4 stages, that is, he started to learn in the 1st year of Yongzheng's regime mainly by imitating the classical works such as Duo Bao Ta Bei by Yan Zhenqing which was a rubbing from an ancient tablet as a model of calligraphy and others. He practiced copying other calligraphy models like Tang poetry, Thousand Character Classic《千字文》 to learn to write in regular script in big characters, Le Yi Lun by Wang Xizhi to learn regular script in small characters, and later he relearned regular script in big characters by imitating Rui Mai Fu《 瑞 麦 赋 》. The third, Prince Hongli followed his former generations' appreciation of calligraphy. His working hard under the guidance of tutors made him a good calligrapher. The last, the sudden death of Emperor Yongzheng sort of stood in his way to higher attainment in calligraphy.
作者 王亦旻
出处 《故宫博物院院刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期40-60,158,共21页 Palace Museum Journal
关键词 弘历 写仿习作 分期 皇子书法教育 Prince Hongli practice handwriting by imitation periodization calligraphy education of Prince
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  • 1马宗霍:《霎岳楼笔谈》,载《书林藻鉴》卷一二,页194,文物出版社,1984年.
  • 2《唐宋八大家文钞》.
  • 3《明诗别裁集》.
  • 4《从百草园到三味书屋》.
  • 5《佩文斋广群芳谱》.
  • 6《全唐诗》.
  • 7康熙御定《佩文斋咏物诗选》卷八录此文作“浮云舒五色”,文渊阁四库全书本.
  • 8康熙御定《渊鉴类函》卷三三.
  • 9《隋书·许善心传》卷五八引,中华书局标点本.
  • 10康熙御定《佩文斋咏物诗选》卷三五录此文作“不觉东方日,遥垂御藻新”,文渊阁四库全书本.












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