
基于LabWindows/CVI的飞机燃油系统的虚拟仿真 被引量:1

Simulation of aircraft fuel system based on LabWindows/CVI
摘要 对飞机燃油系统各部分的组成、原理及作用进行系统的分析。通过分析飞机燃油系统的基本组成与基本原理,利用LabWindows/CVI作为仿真工具,对该系统所控制的加油控制、供油控制、输油控制、放油控制等工作过程进行虚拟仿真。最终完成了飞机燃油系统操作显示界面和燃油系统工作过程的实现,实现了加油、供油、输油、放油等控制环节的仿真。论文结合实际的工作原理和相关参数,对燃油系统的不同功能进行了动态仿真,仿真结果表明,该仿真系统能比较真实地反映飞机燃油系统的实际工作过程,结果与实际状况基本吻合,效果良好。 This paper gives a system analysis about constituent parts, principles and the effect of the fuel system. Through the analysis of the basic components and basic principle of aircraft fuel system, using LabWindows/CVI as simulation tools, this paper simulate the working processes of fuel control, such as refueling process, fuel feeding process, fuel transfer process and defuel process. The simulation interface, the simulation of the fuel system management as well as the refueling process, engine fuel feed process, the fuel transfer process and the defuel process can be designed completely. Taking a certain aircraft fuel system as an example, simulation is made to present the processes of the fuel system. The simulation results show that this simulation system can duplicate the practical work process of the aircraft fuel system, and meet the requirements well.
机构地区 西北工业大学
出处 《电子设计工程》 2014年第10期22-24,共3页 Electronic Design Engineering
关键词 飞机燃油系统 仿真 LABWINDOWS CVI 加油 供输油 放油 Aircraft fuel system LabWindows/CVI simulation refuel fuel feeding and transfer defuel
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