This paper proposes a design of communication-capable digital current transformer with the function of temperature compensation. The digital current transformer adopts an STM32F103 microchip as the microprocessor. An ACS712 Hall current sen- sor is used to capture alternating current signal. The captured signal is digitalized by the A/D convertor of the processor and the RMS values of the signal are calculated. The data is encapsulated according to the Modbus/TCP protocol, and then transferred to a host computer via an industrial Ethernet network. This design realizes the communication between a host computer and a digital cur- rent transformer. ACS712 sensors need temperature compensation because the main factor determining measurement accuracy is tem- perature disturbance. In order to eliminate the influence of temperature on the Hall current sensor, an interpolation method is pro- posed to achieve temperature compensation for the digital current transformer. Experiments indicate that the digital current trans- former is characterized by communication, stability and high precision.
Application of Electronic Technique