
手机菜单引导方式对老年人菜单搜索效率的影响 被引量:2

The Effects of Mobile Phone Menu Instruction Formats on the Menu Navigation Efficiency of Older Adults
摘要 目的探索不同类型的手机菜单引导方式对老年人菜单搜索效率的影响。方法在计算机上用Flash软件模拟诺基亚6700s的菜单界面,采用2(是否呈现母菜单)×2(是否呈现子菜单)被试间设计,要求40名中老年被试完成手机的3个功能搜索任务,记录完成任务的时间、返回上一级菜单的次数以及任务难度的主观评价。同时要求被试完成纸板折叠测验、镶嵌图形测验和再认记忆测验。结果子菜单明显提高了菜单搜索效率,被试的空间视觉化能力和场独立性对搜索效率也起到了促进作用。结论鉴于老年人空间视觉化及场独立性等能力的逐渐退化,老年人手机的界面设计更应注重老年人的使用习惯,给予他们适当的操作引导,以提高手机的可用性。 Objectives To explore the effects of different mobile phone menu instruction formats on the menu navigation efficiency of older adults.Methods Nokia 6700s menu interface prototype was stimulated by flash software on a computer.Under a 2 (with/without parent menu) × 2 (with/without submenu) between-subjects design,40 older subjects were required to complete three mobile phone function searching tasks.The time needed to process the tasks,the number of returns to higher menu levels,and the ease of use were measured.Subjects were also asked to complete Paper-Folding Test,Embedded Figure Test and Recognition Memory Test.Results A submenu could significantly increase menu navigation efficiency.Both Spatial visualization ability and field-independence had positive effects on menu navigation efficiency.Conclusion This study suggests that because of older adults' gradually degrading cognition abilities,such as spatial visualization ability and field-independence,mobile phone interface design for older a dults should conform to their operation habits,offer them proper instructions,and thus improve mobile phone usability.
出处 《人类工效学》 2014年第2期20-24,共5页 Chinese Journal of Ergonomics
关键词 菜单引导 老年人 菜单搜索效率 界面设计 可用性 menu instruction older adults menu navigation efficiency interface design usanility
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