伴随着新经济时代的到来和中国加入 WTO的临近 ,作为科技期刊的《石油矿场机械》将如何适应新的挑战 ,事关期刊的生存与发展。通过回顾本刊发展成长历史、现行办刊方针与办刊宗旨 ,从中吸取其成功的经验 ,为下一步如何选取重点内容进行有时效性地报道 ,切实为作者与读者之间架起知识传播与技术交流的桥梁 ,是本刊将担负的重任。
As the new century begins,we are facing a new millennium with a new economy and China’s entry to WTO. How to adapt to the challenges will be essential for survival and development to“Oil Field Equipment”as a technical periodical.Glancing back for its development and reviewing our editorial policy,we dedicate ourselves to the goal of making our periodical a bridge for knowledge spread and new technology exchange between the readers and the authors,by careful article selecting and timely publishing.
Oil Field Equipment