
喂线法球化处理大型球墨铸铁磨盘铸件 被引量:6

Large Ductile Iron Grinding Table Casting Treated by Wire Feeding Process
摘要 以大型球铁磨盘铸件为例,介绍了毛重95t球铁磨盘的生产过程,采用喂线法球化处理的铸件组织、性能及超声波探伤(UT)、磁粉探伤(MT)均满足技术指标要求,并实现稳定批量生产。生产实践表明,喂线法球化处理是保证大型球铁件质量的有效途径。 The wire feeding production process of ductile iron grinding table with a gross weight ot 95 t was introduced. The microstructure and mechanical properties, ultrasonic and testing magnetic particle all meet the technical requirements of the casting. Meanwhile, mass production achieves with a steady quality up to now. The production practice shows that wire feeding process is an effective way to produce large ductile iron castings.
作者 尤明
出处 《铸造》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期504-506,共3页 Foundry
关键词 球铁磨盘 喂线 球化处理 ductile iron grinding table wire feeding process spheroidizing
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