

Analysis on carbon dioxide emissions of district cooling system
摘要 提出了常规区域供冷系统、天然水源区域供冷系统以及空气源区域供冷系统的碳排放量分析的通用模型。以上海某商业中心为例,用TRNSYS软件对三种区域供冷系统进行了动态的逐时的碳排放量分析,结果表明,以碳排放量作为评价指标,宜优先选用天然水源区域供冷系统,其次为常规区域供冷系统,最后为空气源区域供冷系统;三种区域供冷系统中的制冷机碳排放量份额均最大,其次为二次泵。另外,天然水源温度以及天然水源地至冷水机组间的管路长度会影响到天然水源区域供冷系统的碳排放量。 General carbon dioxide emissions models of conventional district cooling system (DCS), natural water- cooled DCS and air-cooled DCS were presented. Taking a commercial building district in Shanghai as a case, dynamic carbon dioxide emissions analysis on an hourly basis of three kinds of DCS using TRNSYS software were made. The results show that using carbon dioxide emissions as an assessment index, natural water-cooled DCS should be chosen preferably, followed by conventional DCS and air-cooled DCS in turn. Also, the chillers play a main role on carbon dioxide emissions for all of three DCS, followed by secondary pumps. In addition, the temperature of natural water and the pipeline length from natural water source to chillers could affect the carbon dioxide emissions of natural water-cooled DCS.
作者 樊瑛
出处 《苏州科技学院学报(工程技术版)》 CAS 2014年第2期13-19,共7页 Journal of Suzhou University of Science and Technology (Engineering and Technology)
关键词 碳排放量 区域供冷系统 模型 carbon dioxide emissions district cooling system model
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