以 30个杉木杂交亲本的RAPD分析为基础 ,对亲本间分子遗传变异与子代树高、胸径和材积及其变异系数和亲本间各性状的特殊配合力的相关关系进行了研究。结果表明 ,亲本间遗传距离只与胸径特殊配合力和材积特殊配合力在 0 .10显著性水平上呈负相关 ,而与其它因子相关不显著。分别对亲本聚类分析的组内和不同组间的亲本间遗传距离与各因子进行相关分析 ,组内亲本间遗传距离与各因子的相关基本不显著 ;在中等平均遗传距离上 ,组间亲本间遗传距离与子代树高、胸径和 /或材积性状达 0 .0 5显著水平的相关 ,但与各性状的变异系数和亲本间特殊配合力相关不显著。共检测到 2 3个标记位点显著影响材积性状 (α 0 .10 )。根据亲本携带的材积显著性位点对各家系进行赋值 ,家系的显著性位点值与胸径和材积两性状及其变异系数达 0 .0 1显著水平的相关 ,但与树高性状和其它各因子相关不显著。结论认为 ,杉木亲本的分子遗传变异与子代生长的相关关系较为复杂 ;亲本的分子遗传变异对亲本选配有一定的参考价值 ;材积显著性位点对分子标记辅助的亲本选配和子代表现预测有较大的应用潜力。
RAPD based genetic distance between 30 parental trees of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) and its correlation with hybrid performance in height (H), diameter breast high (DBH) and volume (V) as well as their variation coefficients (CV) and specific combining ability values (SCA) were calculated. Parental genetic distance was negatively correlated at 0.10 of significance level with SCA in DBH and V, but not significantly correlated with other factors. With the 6 groups of parents divided by cluster analysis, intra group genetic distance was not significantly correlated with hybrid performance, and medium inter group genetic distance was significantly correlated with H, DBH, and/or V at 0.05 level. Hybrid value based on the number of marker loci related with volume at 0.10 significance level was significantly correlated with DBH and V as well as their CV at 0.01 level. The conclusions came to that RAPD based parental genetic distance would be valuably referable for parental grouping and volume significant loci be relatively great potential in parental grouping and hybrid performance prediction in Chinese fir breeding practices.
Forest Research
国家自然科学基金!项目 (39470 5 91)