This study used SEM to assess the measurement properties of social control questionnaire of exercise be-havior and then used a series of hierarchical multiple regression analyses to test the relations between three varia-bles. The result shows that parents' level of physical activity(B =0.23,P 0.01)and the children's physical activity(B =-0.22,P 0.01)were predictors of use of negative social control,and interaction was significant(B =0.17,P 0.05). Parents' physical activity would predict use of positive control(B =0.25,P 0.01) while the children's physical activity wouldn't(B =-0.13,P 0.05),and interaction wasn't significant(B =0.03,P 0.05). The con-clusion is as follows:Parents' level of physical activity would moderate the relation between use of negative socialcontrol and the children's level of physical activity. Specifically,for active parents,more frequent use of social con-trol tactics would be associated with lower levels of the children's physical activity. In the case of inactive parents,there would be no relationship between use of negative social control and the children's physical activity.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education