
英国曼彻斯特大学技术转移模式及其启示 被引量:2

Technology Transfer Mode of University of Manchester and Its Implications
摘要 大学所属的技术转移公司是英国技术转移中介机构中最重要的一类机构,在促进英国大学技术转移中发挥了重要作用。以曼彻斯特大学的知识产权管理公司(UMIP)为例,对其业务范围、团队构成、主要技术转移模式和支持方式进行了详细的介绍。UMIP技术转移的模式主要为技术驱动型和需求导向型两种。除一般性支持外,UMIP还通过PoP基金对项目进行早期支持,同时为派生公司提供早期风险资金支持。英国大学技术转移工作的模式和方法带给我们的启示是:大学应成为技术转移的重要力量,专业化的技术转移人员是技术转移中介机构成功的重要保证,专利许可不是技术转移的唯一模式,也不是主要模式,大学要为所属技术转移机构提供政策和基金支持等。 The technology transfer company affiliated to a university is an important agency to promote and commercialize universities’ intellectual property (IP) and R&D outputs. The technology transfer mode of University of Manchester Intellectual Property (UMIP) is divided into technology-driven type and demand-oriented one. In addition to the normal funds, UMIP provides initial support to projects with POP funds, and supports spin-out companies by venture capital. The paper introduces the mission and structure of UMIP, and analyzes its modes and funding tools for technology transfer. Finally, the paper gives 4 insights as follows: a university can play a very important role in technology transfer;specialized personnel is vital for a successful technology transfer organization;license is not the only mode for technology transfer, while policy and ifnancial support from universities is necessary for the development of technology transfer companies.
作者 李振兴
出处 《全球科技经济瞭望》 2014年第4期67-71,共5页 Global Science,Technology and Economy Outlook
关键词 英国 曼彻斯特大学 技术转移 知识产权 the UK University of Manchester technology transfer intellectual property
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