自古以来 ,中国社会就是一个极端注重伦常纲纪的社会 ,对亲伦关系的法律保护在中国历朝的法律规定中都有所体现。然而 ,令人遗憾的是 ,这一中华法系特有的理念在我国现行刑法的规定中却销声匿迹了。“法律不强人所难”这一古老的法律格言和刑法的“谦抑性”
Since ancient times, Chinese society has been the one in which discipline of feudal order of importance or seniority in human relationships was extremely emphasized. Legal protection for human relations had been embodied in the legal rules of the successive dynasties of China. However, it is regretful that in the provisions of the prevailing Criminal Law of China such a special notion in Chinese legal system disappeared from the scene. The old legal maxim — “Lex non cogit ad impossibilia; lex neminem cogit ad impossibilia', and the principle of “being modest' request us to pay close attention to the spirits of human relations.
Tribune of Political Science and Law