针对中国司法体制及其运行状况而提出的试图解决“司法公正”难题的理论分析 ,通过利益驱动机制、角色定位机制、“奉法至上”机制的分析 ,揭示出律师能够积极、努力地代表社会公众或当事人的利益及合法权益 ,而且富有热情和主动性。由此推断出 :应该在国家机关力量之外 ,寻找一股社会监督力量———律师职业群体 ,以有效监督法官司法权的良性运行。
Aiming at Chinese judicial system and its operation condition,this article puts forward the theoretical analysis on trying to solve the difficult problem of “judicial justice”The writer analyses and thinks that benefits drive mechanism and that different roles orientates different mechanisms and abiding by the law system.Then,he reveals that attorneys can actively make dfforts to speak for the social public or the client's benefits and legal rights and have enthusiasm and activeness.Hence come out the writer's ideas.Besides national organizations,we should look for a social supervisory power-attorney professional group to keep judge's jurisdiction operating well.
Hebei Law Science