目的了解襄阳部分社区高血压患者对健康教育的评价及具体需求形式,探讨城市社区高血压患者实施健康教育的有效途径。方法在襄阳4个社区卫生服务中心对已确诊的高血压患者进行健康教育需求的问卷调查。结果 81.6%的高血压患者接受过社区医护人员提供的健康教育,不同社区的患者接受健康教育的比例存在差异,患者对健康教育的评价分别为:可靠性为72.3%、有效性为60.1%、实用性为59.4%、针对性为39.9%,有统计学意义。结论注重个体指导及患者心理教育,可开展多种形式的健康教育专业培训,促进社区高血压患者健康教育的有效开展,从而控制高血压的发病率,加强对社区慢病的管理。
Objective to understand part of the xiangyang hypertension patients' health education evaluation and specific demands, explore an effective means of implementation of health education of urban community patients with high blood pressure.Method in xiangyang four community health service centers for the diagnosis of hypertension patients in health education needs of questionnaire.Results 81.6% of the hypertension patients received health education, community health care workers of different community patients accepted health education is different, the proportion of patients on health education evaluation are: reliability was 72.3%, the effectiveness is 60.1%, practicality is 59.4%, 39.9%. There are statistical significance.Conclusion we pay attention to individual guidance and psychological education, and can carry out various kinds of health education professional training to promote the effective development of health education of hypertension patients in community, then control the incidence of high blood pressure and strengthen the management of community chronic disease.
Journal of Xiangyang Polytechnic
Community hypertension
health education
analysis of the situation