新西兰政府建成了一个全国统一的Te Whariki幼儿教育课程。该课程认为,儿童的成长犹如编织复杂图案,需要一点点积累发展而成;教育者不能跨越儿童本身的发展规律,让儿童沿着成人设定的"课程阶梯"发展。该课程的主要特点是:内容注重生活化,追求儿童"有意义的生活";从终身学习的视角出发,重视"儿童当下的生活"和幼小衔接;尊重多元文化,提倡全纳性的幼儿教育课程;等等。Te Whariki课程对改善我国幼儿教育课程具有一定的启示和借鉴意义。
The New Zealand government built a unified national Te Whariki preschool education curriculum, which holds the idea that the growth of children is like a complex weaving design, and it needs a little hit of accumulation of development. So educators cannot span development rule of children, or let children climb the ladder "course" of development set by adults. The main features are: content of the course focus on life, the pursuit of "meaningful life" for children; attaching great importance to the "present life" and young cohesion from the perspective of lifelong learning,: showing respect for cultural diversity and advocating inclusive preschool education courses,and so on. Te Whariki curriculum is of the certain enlightenment and reference significance to improve earls, childhood education curriculum in China.
Teli Journal