对分离于草鱼肠炎、白鲢鱼打印病、鲢鱼白皮病、草鱼烂鳃、鲤鱼体表出血感染及甲鱼败血症等病例的 80株细菌进行了主要特性研究。结果表明均为气单胞菌属 (Aeromonas)的细菌 ,其中嗜水气单胞菌 (A .hydrophila ) 2 9株 (占 36 .2 5 % )、豚鼠气单胞菌 (A .caviae) 38株 (占 47 5 % )、温和气单胞菌A .sobria ) 13株 (占 16 .2 5 % )。在被检验的病例中 ,或为其中一种气单胞菌的单独感染 ,或为两种、三种气单胞菌的混合感染。经做人工感染试验检查 ,表明这些分离菌均为相应感染症的致病菌。
Studing on the main characteristics to 80 strains bacteria isolated from enteritis of grass carp、putting a seal of silver carp、rotting gill of grass carp、albinism of silver carp、haemorrhage of carp body surface infect and septicaemia of soft_shelled turtle infect.The result showed that all the pathogenic bacteria were identified as the bacteria of Aeromonas,A.hydrophila account for 29 strains(account for 36.25 per cent)、A.caviae account for 38 strains(account for 47.25 per cent)、A.sobria account for 13 strains(account for 16.25 per cent).In all the examined cases,some were infected by one kind of Aeromona,some were jointly infected by two or three kinds of Aeromona.Through examination by experiment of artificial infected,showed that all the isolated bacteria were the pathogenic bacteria of the according infection.
Chinese Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine
河北省教育委员会资助项目! (编号 :9730 7)