
关注课堂评价的质量:美国的研究与实践 被引量:4

Concerns about the Quality of Classroom Assessment:Research and Practice in the United States
摘要 课堂评价的质量决定教学的质量。美国研究者认为高质量的课堂评价应该与学业成就目标或学习目标一致,应该根据不同的评价目的选择多样化的评价方法和工具,应该关注学生的学习过程、行为和成果,强调激发学生的学习兴趣最终达到促进学习的目的。CCSSO标准、JCSEE标准和SCOPE标准为衡量课堂评价的质量提供了基本的价值判断。建立基于标准的课堂评价、促进学生积极参与课堂评价、提升教师评价素养为构建高质量的课堂评价提供了现实路径。 Quality of instruction depends on the quality of classroom assessment. In America, high quality classroom assessment requires that it match with achievement targets, select diverse methods and tools according to different aims, concern about students' learning process, behavior and products, and arouse students' motivation for learning. Quality criteria of CCSSO, JCSEE and SCOPE provide basic value judgments to measure classroom assessment quality. Standards-based assessment, student-involved assessment, and improvement of teachers' assessment literacy are the three realistic paths to construct high quality classroom assessment.
作者 曾琳
出处 《外国中小学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期33-39,共7页 Primary & Secondary Schooling Abroad
基金 山东省高等学校教学改革立项项目"小学教育专业双语师资培养模式研究"(项目编号:2012218)的阶段性成果
关键词 课堂评价 高质量 学生参与 评价素养 classroom assessment high quality United States
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