CM2 68 是中国水稻研究所植物激素研究室新研制的水稻化学杀雄剂 ,经 1994~ 1997年试验表明 CM2 68具有较高的选择杀雄活性 ,在水稻花粉母细胞减数分裂期使用 ,诱导水稻雄性不育效果明显 ,自交败育率可达 95%~ 10 0 % ,化杀制种产量在 1.0~ 1.5t/ hm2 。进一步研究表明 ,CM2 68通过干扰花药中淀粉及蛋白质的积累 ,抑制植物营养体向花药运输脯氨酸及花药自身合成脯氨酸 ,并降低花药中脯氨酸的利用率 ,引起花药营养匮缺 ,导致花粉败育。
CM 268 is a new chemical hybridizing agent(CHA) formulated by Plant Growth Regulator Section, China National Rice Research Institute (CNRRI). It is showed from the experiment conducted during 1994 to 1997 that CM 268 had a high effect on inducing rice male sterility when applied at pollen mother cell meiosis stage. 95%~100% self sterility rate and 1.0~1.5 t/hm 2 seed production yield with acceptable seed purity could be achieved by CM 268 application. Further studies demonstrated that CM 268 influenced and decreased the accumulation of starch and protein in anthers, inhibited the proline synthesis rate and utilization efficiency, which resulted in nutrition deficiency in anther and caused the pollen died of starvation.
Acta Agronomica Sinica
国家"九五"水稻育种攻关项目! ( 96-0 0 2 -0 2 -0 2 -4 )
"九五"农业部高新技术与基础研究项目!资助 ( 95农 -1 7-0 1 -0 1)