本文根据1999年探捕调查资料,对北太平洋中东部海域的柔鱼生物学特性进行了研究。总的来说该海域的柔鱼属大型柔鱼,但在三个作业海区中也有区别,中部海区柔鱼的个体最大,其次为东部海区,西部海区为最小;其形体变化规律在特定的海域(175°E~ 172°W、39°~42°N)有随经度和纬度增加而增大;柔鱼随着生产月份的延续,胴长、体重有显著增大的趋势;生长速度快,经测试其胴长、体重关系式为:W_i=1.52×10^(-4)×L_i^(2.7231)。在5~7月份,柔鱼的性腺发育程度较低,绝大数处于Ⅰ期和Ⅱ期,其摄食等级也较低,以空胃和Ⅰ级胃为主,胃含物以小鱼和柔鱼占大多数。
This paper gives an study on the biological characteristics of squid Ommastrephes bartrami on the central and eastern squid fishing grounds in the North Pacific based on the research data collected in 1999. The results show that although Ommastrephes bartrami in the above mentioned areas generally belongs to a large size species, there are differences in mantle body length in three actual operation areas. The largest squid is in the central area, the second in the eastern area and the smallest in the western area. Changes in its body shape in the specific waters(l75°E-172°W,39°N-42°N)tend to increase with the latitude and longitude. With the extension of fishing season, a fast growth rate of squids is indicated and an obvious increase tendency in both its body length and weight ran be seen. The relationship between its mantle length and weight can be described as Wi = 1.52+10-4×Li2.7231. The maturity level of its gonad was low, with most of the squids in grade Ⅰand Ⅱ level of gonad development stage. The feeding grade was also low and most of them were found empty and in grade I in stomach. Fish and squid were dominant in its feeding contents.
Marine Fisheries
North Pacific,Ommastrephes bartrami, biological characteristics