2 0世纪脑科学取得十分辉煌的成就。当此世纪之交 ,回顾 2 0世纪百年来脑科学的重大进展以及展望 2 1世纪脑科学的发展趋势 ,有重要意义。 2 0世纪脑科学的进展可概括为三大里程碑 :( 1)神经元学说 ;( 2 )离子通道理论 ;( 3)脑功能成像。 2 1世纪脑科学将取得更大的飞跃。预期在 2 1世纪除继续发展 2 0世纪已有的成就之外 ,将可望在以下 5个方面取得突破性进展 :( 1)神经元功能成像 ;( 2 )神经系统多基因病定位及老年性痴呆发病机理的阐明 ;( 3)神经系统信息编码的研究 ;( 4 )后基因组时代分子神经生物学 ;( 5)意识、思维与情绪本质的进一步探讨。本文首次提出启动人类神经组计划 (HumanNeuromeProject,HuNP)研究和建立神经数据库 (NeuroBank)的建议 ,并提出其系统构建和具体实施的方案。人类神经组计划将是继人类基因组计划之后的又一伟大的生物学系统工程 ,它的开展对破译人脑思维起源之谜 ,有重大意义。
The brain science has got a great deal of advancements in the 20 century. It is of great significance to review the important advancements of 20 century and to make a perspective on the tendency of the developments of brain science in the 21 century. The advancements of brain science in 20 century can be summarized as three milestones:(1)the neuron doctrine,(2)the ionchannel theory, (3)the functional mapping of the brtain. In the 21 century, we suggest that the brain science will get great progress in the following five aspects:(1)the functional dynamic mapping of neurons, (2)the localization of multigene of neural genetic diseases and the pathogenic mechanism of the Alzheimer's disease, (3)molecular neurobiology of post gene era, (4)neural information coding and the computational neurobiology, (5)further explorations on the nature of mind, intelligence and emotion. A suggestion of Human Neurome Project(HuNP)and construction of NeuroBank was first proposed in this paper. The systematic architecture of the HuNP and NeuroBank was also suggested. HuNP is a great systematic engineering in biological science after the Human Genome Project and may be of great importance for understanding the secret of mind in the human brain.
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<Keywords>brain science, functional neuron mapping, molecular neurobiology, neural information coding, micro CT, human neurome project(HuNP)