
怀特海哲学后现代性探源 被引量:1

On “Postmodern”of Whitehead's Philosophy
摘要 怀特海的哲学被称为"后现代的",而且是"另类后现代的",据柯布说,主要有三大理由:第一,他的认识论认为感官感知并非是首位的;第二,他的本体论认为构成世界的基本单位是实际事态,即点滴的经验,而不是如唯物论所说是无时间、无经验、无自由的基本粒子;第三,他的这些观点立足于坚实的现代科学基础,尤其是量子论。格里芬把怀特海的哲学称为广义经验论,并发展了该哲学,解决了哲学很多长期悬而未决的问题,诸如心-身关系、因果关系、上帝与世界的关系。 As Cobb says, the reasons why Whitehead's philosophy is taken for "postmodern", even "radically dif- ferent postmodern" are mainly as followings: 1. his epistemology doesn't regard sensory perception as primary; 2 his ontology says that the basic units of which the world is composed are actual occasions, or drops of experience, instead of, as materialism says, timeless "elementary particles" which have no experience, no freedom at all; 3. all his theories are based on modern science, particularly quantum theory. Griffin's smart summary of Whitehead's philosophy as pan-experientialism and his insightful expansion of it solve some long-standing problems in the history of Western philosophy, such as the problems of mind-body relation, causation, God-World relation, and so forth.
出处 《唐都学刊》 2014年第3期57-64,共8页 Tangdu Journal
关键词 建设性后现代 因果效验的知觉方式 直接表象方式的知觉 唯物论 广义经验论 Constructive Postmodernism Whitehead perception in the mode of causal efficacy perception in themode of presentational immediacy materialism pan-experientialism
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  • 1William James,Some Problems of Philosophy, 194. Lon- don : Longmans,Green, 1911.
  • 2John B. Cobb,Jr. : God and the World, 135,138 ; West- minster,1969. " The Possibility of Theism Today. " In Edward H. Madden, Robert Handy, and Marvin Farber, eds. , The Idea of God : Philosophical Perspectives . New York : Thomas, 1968 : 98 - 123. .
  • 3Paul A. Bov6, ed. Early Postmadernism : Foundational Essays . Durham, N. C. : Duke University, 1995.
  • 4David R. Griffin, introduction to SUNY Series in Con- structive Postmodem Thought ( included in all the volumes in the series ).
  • 5See also John B. Cobb, Jr. ," Alfred North White- head," ( In Griffin et al. , Founders of Constructive Postmodern Philosophy, 165 - 95 ), 181 - 87, and Griffin, Reenchantment without Supernaturalism, ch. 9.
  • 6John B. Cobb,Jr. : Christ in a Pluralistic Age,15,25 - 27. Philadelphia : Westminster,1975.
  • 7See Marcus Ford," James's Psychical and Its Philo- sophical Implications. " Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 34 ( 1998 ) : 605-26.
  • 8John B. Cobb, Jr. : " From Crisis Theology to the Post -Modem World. " Centennial Review 8 ( Spring 1964) : 209 - 20.
  • 9John R. Searle : Minds, Brains and Science, 85 - 86,92 - 98. London : British Broadcasting Corporation, 1984.
  • 10Gamwell, The Divine Good, 3 -4. Dallas : Southern Methodist University, 1996.









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