
基于连续体拓扑优化的建筑结构设计方法初探 被引量:5

Building Structure Design Based on the Continuum Topology Optimization
摘要 随着复杂建筑结构的设计与日增多,凭借传统的概念设计进行结构选型与布置已不能高效率、高质量地完成设计任务。对基于连续体的拓扑优化方法进行了介绍并针对建筑结构领域对变密度法的优势和适用性进行了分析;最后采用连续体拓扑优化方法,在相应的荷载工况和边界条件下使用变密度算法对一个大跨度空间结构和一座高层结构进行了计算和优化求解,得到了收敛的解答。结果表明,在结构概念设计阶段引入该方法能够高效率、高质量地得到建筑结构的概念设计模型,对结构设计方法的革新有很大的推动作用。 With the increasing of complex building structures, it cannot complete structure form selection and arrangement efficiently by the traditional concept design method. In the paper, an optimization method based on the continuum topology is introduced. Advantage and applicability of the solid isotropic microstructures with penalization (SIMP) are analyzed in the field of building structures. The SIMP method is used for the design of a long-span space structure and a tall building in the corresponding load conditions and boundary conditions. This method is based on the continuum topology optimization and convergence solutions are obtained. The results indicates that the method that is introduced into structural concept design has high efficiency and high quality for obtaining the concept of building structure design model. It can make a great contribution to the innovation of structure design method.
出处 《结构工程师》 北大核心 2014年第2期6-11,共6页 Structural Engineers
基金 西安工业大学北方信息工程学院2014年度院长科研基金资助项目(YZ1409)
关键词 概念设计 连续体单元 拓扑优化 有限单元法 concept design, continuum element, topology optimization, finite element method
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