
混凝土与环氧树脂粘结界面断裂性能试验研究 被引量:2

Fracture Experimental Study of the Bonding Interface Between Concrete and Epoxy Resin
摘要 采用楔入劈拉试件研究环氧树脂与混凝土粘结界面的断裂性能,并引入双K断裂模型计算得到界面起裂断裂韧度与失稳断裂韧度。分析了光滑粘结面与自然断开面两种粘结界面情况下,界面破坏模式变化及界面断裂韧度的差异。界面起裂断裂韧度的提高能有效推迟裂缝的再次开裂,建议将界面起裂断裂韧度值作为注胶修复效果的参数。通过双材料界面断裂力学从理论上计算得到界面起裂韧度,并与试验值进行比较,与试验结果比较吻合。 The wedge splitting method was used in this concrete and epoxy resin. The double K fracture model paper to study the interface fracture toughness between was introduced to calculate the interface initial fracture toughness and the unstable fracture toughness. The interface failure mode and the interface fracture toughness were analyzed in terms of the smooth bonding surface and natural disconnect surface. The improvement of interface initial fracture toughness can effectively postpone the cracks cracking again. It is recommended that the interface initial fracture toughness should be used in the evaluation of the effect of epoxy-injection technique. The interface initial fracture toughness is calculated theoretically through biomaterial interface fracture mechanics, which coincides well with experimental results after comparison.
出处 《结构工程师》 北大核心 2014年第2期127-132,共6页 Structural Engineers
基金 国家自然科学基金(51008235)
关键词 楔入劈拉法 环氧树脂 界面断裂韧度 Dundurs参数 wedge splitting method, epoxy, interface fracture toughness, Dundurs parameter
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