

Research on Structural and Electric Properties of Graphene-based Macroscopic Membrane and Intermediate Products
摘要 采用氧化还原法真空抽滤制备不同还原程度的石墨烯薄膜,用X射线衍射(XRD)、红外光谱(FTIR)、拉曼光谱(Raman)、四探针电阻率测试仪对石墨烯样品及中间产物表征。结果表明,石墨经氧化后结构层键合上多种含氧官能团,层间距增大,其拉曼光谱表现为D峰宽化且增强,C峰宽化并向高波数方向偏移,且导电性能急剧减弱。通过改变还原阶段的反应时间可对石墨烯的电学性能进行有效调控。 The graphene-based macroscopic membranes with different reduction levels were prepared by an oxidation- reduction method with the controlling of reduction time, and followed by vacuum filtration. The structural analysis and electrical conductivity of the samples were carried out by using XRD, FTIR, Raman and Four-point probe measurement. The results suggest that the structure layers of graphite are bonded with many oxygen-containing groups on both sides after the oxidation process, leading to an increase in interlayer spacing. And the G peak of Raman spectrum for graphite broadens and shifts to higher wavenumber position, and the D Peak broadens and increases its intensity. The electrical property of the chemically converted graphene can be effectively tuned by controlling the reduction time.
出处 《纳米科技》 2014年第2期50-56,共7页
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41272051),西南科技大学博士基金项目(11ZX7135)
关键词 氧化石墨 石墨烯薄膜 氧化还原法 结构 电导率 graphite oxide graphene-based macroscopic membrane oxidation-reduction method structure electricalconductivity
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