目的 探讨大鼠Walker 2 5 6种植性肝癌的活体影像学表现 ,并与病理对照 ,以便更好地应用这一经典的大鼠肝癌模型。方法 种植瘤大鼠 15只 ,10只行门静脉插管 ,5只行肝动脉插管。所有动物均行MRI平扫检查 ,CT平扫及动态增强扫描 ,DSA血管造影 ;活体下缓慢注入超液化碘油 ,新鲜肝脏软X线钼靶摄片并行病理检查。结果 ①种植瘤的MRI表现与人肝癌相似 ;肿瘤经门脉CT增强及DSA造影为少血型 ,而经肝动脉CT增强及DSA为多血型 ;经门静脉注入碘油后新鲜肝脏软X线摄片显示 2只肿瘤边缘内侧可见碘油 ,经肝动脉注入碘油后肿瘤内可见较多斑点状碘油。②光镜下经门静脉注入碘油后肿瘤中央不见碘油 ,但 7只肿瘤边缘内侧可见碘油 ;经肝动脉注入碘油后肿瘤中央及边缘均可见较多油滴。光镜下 15只大鼠中 9只发现门脉癌栓 ,癌栓内的碘油来自肝动脉。结论 大鼠Walker 2 5 6种植性肝癌在肝内呈膨胀性和浸润性生长 ,活体状态下以肝动脉供血为主 ,门静脉对肿瘤边缘有供血。种植瘤易发生门脉癌栓 。
Purpose To study on the imaging features of implanted tumor in vivo within the liver in rats, and correlate withe pathology. Methods Analyzing the manifestations of MRI, CT, DSA and low kilovoltage radiographs about the implanted hepatic tumor receiving blood from portal vein or hepatic artery. Rusults Implanted hepatic tumor demonstrated similar image with hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) in human. The tumor appeared receiving blood from hepatic artery rather than portal veinon on CT and DSA. On the low kilovoltage radiographs the lipiodol within the tumor was mainly from hepatic artery. But a few lipiodol drops were depicted within the tumor border. Under the microscopy examination, the lipiodol from portal vein was appeared in the capsule and within the tumor border. The implanted hepatic tumor easily companied with tumor thrombus of portal vein , the later received the lipiodol from hepatic artery. Conclusion The implanted hepatic tumor received a predominantly arterial blood supply , but the portal vein appears to contribute significantly to the blood supply of the tumor periphery in vivo. The implanted hepatic cancer easily companies with tumor thrombus of portal vein, which supplied mainly by the hepatic artery. [
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology
"九五"国家医学科技攻关项目! (9690 70 30 1 )
Liver neoplasms
Animal, model