目的:研究细菌变异 L型及检测对临床疾病诊断治疗的意义。方法:用改良 kagen氏培养基(用小牛血清代替人血浆),进行细菌L型培养与普通常规培养对照,用普通血平板加青霉素、高渗液体培养基、胆汁,改良罗氏培养基加链霉素诱导H37RV变异L型。结果:57例泌尿系感染患者L型培养阳性检出率29.8%,普通培养12.2%(P <0.01)。165例血 L型培养检出率 26. 7%,普通培养 9. 0%( P<0.01 )。葡萄球菌在血平板加羧苄青霉素玻片在抑菌区内生长出葡萄球菌 L型。改良罗氏培养基加链霉素诱导 H37RV变异抗酸性颗粒(即 L型)。细菌 L型药敏结果与细菌有不同。结论:细菌能变异 L型,细菌L型培养阳性检出率明显高于普通培养,L型菌药敏结果对抗细胞壁类抗生素药物不敏感,对临床疾病的诊治有价值。
Objective: It is to explore the relationship of bacterium L - form variation and the clinical diagnosis of infectious diseases. Methods: In addition to conventional culture media plate, the modified Kagen's medium plate was applied to culture bacteria L - form, and the modified Kagen's medium plate with streptomycin was used for introduce the L - form of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37RV. Results: In 57 patients with infection in urinary system, the positive rate of bacteria detected in L - form medium and in conventional medium were 29. 8% and 12. 2%, respectively (P < 0. 01 ). In 165 blood samples the positive rate of bacteria detected in L-form and conventional medium were 26. 7 % and 9. 0%, respectively(P <0. 01 ). Conclusion: The positive rates of bactenium in L - form culture medium was significantly higher than that in conventional medium that will benefit the clinical diagnosis in infection diseases.
Modern Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
bacterium L-form L-form medium clinical diagonosis