
MOOC学习者个性化学习模型建构 被引量:138

Modeling Personalized Learning on MOOC
摘要 MOOC作为一种新的学习情境和学习技术,以其独有的特征催生了一种新的学习模式,即个性化学习。学习者根据自己的个别化目的和背景,决定个性化的参与路径、选择和定制个性化的课程。因此,MOOC要获得持续性发展,必须支持学习者的个性化学习模式,使学习者沉浸于持续的对话、交流和反思过程中,进而实现学习者的主动性、创造性、反思性和个性化学习。但MOOC设计和发展的适切性依赖于对MOOC学习者个性化学习本质、过程及其影响要素的正确认知。基于这一理念,该研究试图通过MOOC学习者个性化学习模型的建构,来解构MOOC学习的本质、学习过程的构成要素以及支持条件等,进而促进MOOC不断地完善其设计以支持学习者的个性化学习,并为MOOC进一步的研究和实践奠定基础。 MOOC, as a new disruptive technology, it provides a new context for learning and gives birth to a new form of learningpersonalized learning. MOOC users decide the participation and learning of the MOOCs based on their diverse motivation and backgrounds. Therefore, MOOC has to enhance personalized learning and engages learners in continuous dialogue, interaction and reflection, in order to develop sustainably. Based on this assumption, the study first describes the nature and process of learning in MOOC by capturing the key characteristics of learning, which lays the foundation for the design of MOOC. Then the study documents how the model of learning in MOOC is constructed and elaborated each of the components of the model. Finally, the study concludes with implications of future research directions.
作者 杨玉芹
出处 《中国电化教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期6-10,68,共6页 China Educational Technology
关键词 MOOC 个别化学习目的 个性化学习 MOOC Individual and Diverse Motivation Personalized Learning
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