目的研究胚胎成形素Nodal蛋白在肾细胞癌组织中的表达情况,并探讨其临床意义。方法采用免疫组织化学、Western blot及Realtime PCR方法分别检测25例肾细胞癌组织及16例正常肾组织中Nodal mRNA、蛋白的表达,并检测微血管密度(MVD)指数,分析比较不同临床分期、组织学分级肾细胞癌组织中Nodal的表达情况及其与MVD之间的相关关系。结果肾细胞癌高表达Nodal mRNA基因及蛋白,且随着临床分期的升高及组织学分级的恶化,Nodal mRNA基因及蛋白表达水平不断上升;不同的临床分期及组织学分级中,Nodal蛋白的表达与MVD的变化趋势之间均存在明显的正相关关系。结论肾细胞癌高表达Nodal基因及蛋白,Nodal可能通过促进新生肿瘤血管生成促进肾癌的发展。
Objective To investigate the expression of Nodal in renal cell carcinoma and investi- gate its clinical implication. Methods The expression of Nodal protein and mRNA in 25 cases of renal cell carcinoma specimen and 16 cases of normal renal specimen were examined by immunohistochemistry, Western blot and RT-PCR respectively. The relationship between Nodal expression and clinical stage, pathology level, MVD change was investigated respectively. Results There was no expression of Nodal protein and mRNA in normal renal specimen, while the expression in tumor specimen was very high. And the expression level of Nodal protein and mRNA increased in accordance with clinical stage and pathology level increased. The Nodal expression was positively correlated with MVD change. Conclusion Nodal was expressed in renal cell carcinoma, and could enhance tumor angiogenesis.
Guizhou Medical Journal