
图书馆盲人与视障者服务著作权豁免研究 被引量:3

Research on Immunities of Copyright for Library Services for the Blind,Visually Impaired and Otherwise Print Disabled Persons
摘要 2013年6月28日,WIPO通过了"关于盲人、视障者限制与例外"的《马拉喀什条约》,该条约将图书馆明确为服务于盲人、视障者的授权实体,赋予了图书馆授权实体对已发表作品的视障版式转换的权利和视障版式副本跨境交换的权利,但是依照国际惯例,这两项权利必须转化为国内法以后,才能够在某一成员国内实施。具体到我国《著作权法》第三次大的修订,则需要明确授权实体,修改《著作权法》第22条第12款,新增"授权实体、盲人、视障者可以进行已发表作品视障版式副本跨境交换"的例外规定。参考文献12。 The Marrakesh Treaty on limitations and exceptions for visually impaired persons/persons with print disabilities was adopted on June 28th, 2013 at the World Intellectual Property Organization's Diplomatic Con- ference. The treaty defines the library as authorized entity that services for the blind, visually impaired and oth- erwise print disabled persons, and authorizes the library to convert published works into accessible formats for the blind and visually impaired, and provide for cross - border exchange of these accessible format copies. But in accordance with international traditions, the two rights cannot enter into force in a member country until they are converted into domestic law. For the third revision of Copyright Law of the People' s Republic of China, we should define authorized entity, amend the twelfth paragraph of the twenty - second article in Copyright Law, and add the exceptional provision that the authorized entity, the blind and visually impaired can implement cross - border exchange of these accessible format copies of published works.
作者 吉宇宽
出处 《国家图书馆学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期53-58,共6页 Journal of The National Library of China
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"基于三网融合的数字图书馆著作权豁免诉求研究"(项目编号:12YJC870010) 河南省教育厅人文社科研究项目"数字图书馆变革与著作权保护协调研究"(项目编号:2013GH-385)阶段性研究成果之一
关键词 图书馆 无障碍版式 版式转换 跨境交换 著作权豁免 Libraries Accessible Formats Format Conversion Cross-Border Exchange Immunities of Copyright
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