
中国经济转型:身在何处、意欲何往? 被引量:1

The Transformation of Chinese Economy: Motivation and Destination
摘要 区别于描述性定义,本文在理论层面给出了"经济转型"的解释性定义:基于政府-市场关系和资源配置方式调整而引致的经济运行方式变动。据此指出:当前中国经济转型的真正动因不在于要素逆转或域外倒逼,而在于政府-市场关系与发展目标之间存在着"紧张"关系,需求、产业、投入三种结构转变是转型的表征,而不是转型本身,中国经济转型的真正内涵是政府-市场关系的适应性调整。然而,中国经济转型不能退回到计划经济的传统方式,也不能照搬"华盛顿共识"描绘的西方模式,而应基于当前的阶段性特征实现政府-市场关系的良性化,促使政府在维护市场秩序方面不"越位",在供给公共产品方面不"缺位"。上述目标应基于市场系统、政府系统、政府-市场之间等三大维度来实现。 This article views economic transformation as changes in economic operation resulted from adjustment of the relation between the government and the market and of resource allocation. This is an explanatory rather than a descriptive definition of economic transformation. Starting from this viewpoint, the article points out that the real motivation for China's current economic transformation lies in the tension between government-market relations and the future targets rather than in reversal factors or foreign forces. Mere changes in investment and industry modes are superficial and do not really represent transformation itself. The major target of China's economic transformation is to adjust the government market relations. However, it is impossible for China to return to the old mode of planned economy or to act accordingly to the Western model of Washington Consensus. Rather, we should develop a good relationship between the government and the market so that the government does not over- or under-perform its duties. The market system, the government system and the government market system must all play its role to achieve the above goal.
作者 高帆
出处 《上海商学院学报》 2013年第2期1-6,共6页 Business Economic Review
基金 复旦大学"985工程"三期研究项目<"中国崛起"的政治经济学诠释与政治经济学理论创新研究>(项目负责人:张晖明教授)的阶段性成果
关键词 经济转型 政府-市场关系 发展方式转变 中国经济奇迹 transformation of economy, government market relation, change of development mode, miracles in Chinese economy
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