
方竹和合江方竹种质遗传多样性研究 被引量:3

Genetic Diversity of Germplasm of Chimonobambusa quadrangularis and Ch. hejiangensis
摘要 目的,建立及优化方竹和合江方竹的ISSR-PCR反应体系,分析其12个种质资源的遗传多样性。方法,采用L16(45)正交试验建立、优化ISSR-PCR反应体系,利用该体系分析12个不同种源的方竹和合江方竹的遗传多样性。结果最佳ISSR-PCR的最佳体系为:1×Reaction Buffer、dNTPs 100μmol/L、MgCl22.5 mmol/L、引物0.1μmol/L、Taq 0.8 U以及DNA 20 ng。12个供试竹种被分为两大类群,其中除方竹遂昌种源2外的其他方竹竹种亲缘关系相当接近,归为一个亚群;合江方竹杭州种源和合江方竹莲都种源归到一个小亚群中。 The purpose of the establishment and optimization of ISSR -PCR reaction system of Chimonobambusa quadrangularis and Ch. hejiangensis was to analyze the genetic diversity of its 12 germplasm. Method using L16 (4^5) orthogonal test build, optimize ISSR-PCR reaction system, the genetic diversity of 12 different provenances from Ch. quadrangularis and Ch. hejiangensis was analyzed by the system. Results showed that: The best system for optimal ISSR-PCR: 1 × Reaction Buffer, dNTPs 100μmol/L, MgCl2 2.5 mmol/L, primer 0.1μmol/L, Taq 0.8 U and DNA 20 ng. 12 bamboo species tested were divided into two groups, the kinship of Ch. Quadrangularis' provenances was related close, except the Suichang provenance No. 2, which classified as a subgroup;The Hangzhou provenance and Liandu provenance of Ch. hejiangensis were normalized to a small subgroup.
出处 《江西林业科技》 2014年第2期14-17,共4页 Jiangxi Forestry Science and Technology
基金 丽水市重点科技合作项目(计划编号:20054012)
关键词 方竹 合江方竹 分子标记 遗传多样性 研究 Chimonobambusa quadrangularis Ch. hejiangensis molecular markers genetic diversity research
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