
科学与浪漫主义 被引量:3

Science and Romanticism
摘要 尽管浪漫主义通常被理解为艺术思潮和艺术运动,但是,它与科学有着紧密的关联和积极的互动。一方面,心灵科学、生物学和生理学等自然科学的发展,既支持了浪漫主义对机械论自然观的批判,又激发了浪漫主义形成带有活力论特征的自然观、人性观和文化观。另一方面,浪漫主义又从认识论、方法论和本体论等层面,清除了机械论的思想教条,削弱了古典物理学的学术霸权,推进了科学方法的多元化,推动了科学在19世纪的多元发展。考察科学与浪漫主义的互动,不仅有助于加深对19世纪生物学、生理学和医学等自然科学的文化背景的理解,而且有助于对启蒙精神做出有益的反思和补充。 Though romanticism is usually thought of as a movement in art, it was closely related to and actively interactive with science. On the one hand, the development of such natural sciences in the 19 th century as the science of mind, biology and physiology justifi ed the romanticists' criticism on the mechanistic view of nature, and gave rise to the romantic concepts of nature, humanity and culture featuring vitalism. On the other hand, romanticism eliminated the metaphysical dogma of mechanism, weakened the academic hegemony of classical physics, diversifi ed scientifi c methods, and promoted the prosperity of sciences in the 19 th century on the metaphysical, epistemological and methodological levels. The examination of the interaction between science and romanticism could not only deepen our understanding of the cultural context of biology, physiology, medicine and other natural sciences in the 19 th century, but also make contributions to the supplement to as well as the refl ection upon the spirit of enlightenment.
作者 郝苑
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期88-95,127,共8页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"关于科学文化的哲学思考"(10BZX025)
关键词 浪漫主义 科学 机械论 活力论 科学文化 Romanticism Science Mechanism Vitalism Scientifi c Culture
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