文章运用马列主义辨证唯物主义的基本原理阐述了邓小平理论的方法论原理 ,并把原理运用于邓小平理论课的教学过程 ,认为 :把方法论原则贯穿于邓小平理论的教学过程中 ,以引导学生掌握邓小平理论各个基本观点、基本原理的内涵 ,以及它们之间的有机联系 ,把握理论的科学体系 。
Based on the principles of dialectical materialism, the essay expounds the fundamentals of Deng Xiaoping Theory in terms of methodology, suggesting permeating these fundamentals of methodology through the whole teaching process of Deng Xiaoping Theory in order to guide the students in mastering the scientific system of Deng Xiaoping Theory.
Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics