
员工建言行为的影响因素:基于个体层次变量的元分析 被引量:9

A Meta-analytic Examination of the Relationship between Individual Variables and Employee Voice Behavior
摘要 在过去的30年间,员工建言行为受到广泛关注,并成为积极行为研究中的热点议题。在以往研究中,研究者从各个角度分析了员工建言行为的影响因素,但研究结论并不一致。从影响建言行为的个体层次变量出发,通过检索关于个体变量与员工建言行为关系的研究文献,对以往研究进行了基于元分析的定量综述。结果表明,个体的履历信息、大五个性模型中的外向性和责任性、个体的主动性人格和发展目标取向与员工建言行为之间存在显著的正相关关系,而自我监控、控制点和自尊与建言行为的关系并不像预期的那样稳定和清晰。 In the past 30 years, employee voice behavior (EVB) attracted widespread attention, and became a hot topic in the re- search field of positive behavior. Although some researchers have made efforts to figure out which factors have effects on EVB from dif- ferent perspectives, the results are not consistent with each other. Based on individual variables, this article presents an empirical re- view of the literature concerning the relationship between individual variables and EVB through literature searching and meta-analysis. The results showed that individual bio-data, personal extraversion and conscientiousness of Big Five personality characteristics, proac- tive personality and mastery goal orientation have significant positive correlation with EVB. Unlike the expectation, the relationship be- tween EVB and self-monitoring, locus of control, self-esteem was not so clear and stable.
作者 邓今朝 樊洪
出处 《科技与经济》 2014年第3期81-85,共5页 Science & Technology and Economy
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划项目--"转型升级背景下企业员工建言行为的模式选择 产生机制及其与变革效能的关系研究"(项目编号:12YJA630022 项目负责人:邓今朝)成果之一 湖南省自然科学基金项目--"企业合理化建议的产生途径:本土文化与氛围的视角"(项目编号:12JJ6069 项目负责人:邓今朝)成果之一
关键词 员工建言行为 影响因素 个体变量 元分析 employee voice behavior antecedents individual variables meta-analysis
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