
网络谣言的信息接收反应机制及其风险治理 被引量:9

The Reception and Response Mechanism to Online Rumors and Their Risk Management
摘要 网络谣言是当今社会重要风险源,围绕这一特殊信息的风险治理有必要在洞悉网民的网络谣言接收过程基础上展开。本研究基于扎根理论,对各类网络谣言传播期间的网民回应性文本展开内容分析,通过开放编码、主轴编码、选择编码过程形成网络谣言信息接收和反应机制模型,并对模型进行了饱和度检验。基于该反应机制模型,研究提出由谣言发现系统、谣言风险评估系统、谣言风险控制系统三部分构成的基于信息管理的风险治理体系。 The online rumors are increasing harmful as a social risk source. Its risk management should be designed on the ground of knowledge on the mechanism of public receiving online rumors. Based on the grounded theory, the study conducts a content analysis to receiver' s response post on certain online rumor. Through opening coding, axial coding, and selective coding, a model of receiver response to internet rumor is constructed and a saturation test on this model is applied. Finally, a risk management system, including the rumor identification system, the rumor risk evaluation system, and the rumor risk control system is proposed.
出处 《情报学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期305-312,共8页 Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information
基金 四川大学高水平学术团队建设项目“西部地区社会和谐发展与社会风险控制研究”资助
关键词 网络谣言 信息接收 社会风险 反应 扎根理论 online rumor, information receive, society risk, response, grounded theory
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